Feel Better In Less Than A Minute (No Kidding)

Yup. Feel Better in less than a minute.

We know that when you give to others it makes us feel better.

This is not some nice, bumper-sticker kind of thought that you read, sigh, and go on with your life with nothing changed.

There’s research on it and I posted a great video about that very thing here: https://anngarvin.net/this-just-in-you-can-buy-happiness/

So if it feels so good, why don’t we do it?  That’s easy. I have little time and little money–but after you read the rest of this post neither of these will stop you ever again.

There are 3 sites I want to tell you about where one click feeds the poor (and not from your bank account).

The sites are sponsored sites. Visit them+Click them+The Sponsor’s donate for your click = You get to Feel Better

The Hunger Site www.thehungersite.com

Which also supports Breast Cancer, Veterans, Animals, Autism, Literacy and the Rain Forest


This one you get to test your knowledge on a variety of subjects: Vocabulary, Geography, English, Languages, Math, Humanities, Science and wait for it….there are SAT prep questions.

With every right answer rice is put into a bowl and donated–paid for by sponsors.

Lastly and this one is my favorite because it is the gift that gives and gives to you and whoever you choose.


You exercise. You get healthy. Sponsors pay and people get a better life. It’s a free iPhone and Android App.

It’s as easy as this: get moving. Bikers earn 10¢ a mile and walkers and runners earn 25¢ a mile, up to our initial $1,000,000 sponsorship pool. You can choose your chairity from Habitat for Humanity, to educating girls to feeding America and just about anything in-between.

It’s outstanding and it’s free.

How could you possibly refuse. You just have to walk around to save the world.

Bravo you.




  1. Rebecca on November 27, 2013 at 1:30 am

    What fun ways to help out charities. Thanks for sharing this list.

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